

「世界津波の日」2022 高校生サミットin新潟

1 目  的



2 主 催     新潟県,新潟県教育委員会,新潟市,新潟市教育委員会


3 期 日     2022年10月19日(水)~10月20日(木)


4 会 場      朱鷺メッセ(新潟コンベンションセンター)展示ホール



5 参加生徒    2年生徒3名



6 実施内容・評価

新潟県新潟市の朱鷺メッセを会場とし,日本国内の生徒は対面で参加し,26カ国の生徒がオンラインで参加するというハイブリット形式(使用言語英語)で開催されました。本校からは2年生3名が参加し,「What We Can Do in Tagajo to Pass on the Lessons We Learned ~ Connecting the Past with the Future ~」の発表題で研究発表を行いました。また,参加生徒は6つのグループに分かれ,各校の発表をもとに防災・減災のために高校生ができることについて議論を行いました。最終日には各グループの提案をまとめ,アクションプランというかたちで提言を行いました。






■Matsuyama Chihiro(2年2組塩竈第一中出身) 

        I participated in High School Students Summit on “World Tsunami Awareness Day” 2022 in Niigata held on October 19th -20th.In this essay, I will write about two of the things I learned through the summit.

        The first is the importance of not being obsessed with being perfect. Until the day when I made the presentation, I had been always afraid of showing an Imperfect presentation. Actually, on the day, I could not make a perfect presentation as I wished it to be. I was really frustrated that I could not achieve the results commensurate with the efforts of the members I worked with and that I could not live up to the expectations of the teacher who had given me this opportunity. After the presentation, I was thinking about what I should do and then decided to learn from my failure in order not to let the experience go to waste. Of course, it is important to make efforts to achieve better results, but I think being obsessed with being perfect may narrow our filed of vision. When we fail at something, what we should do first is not blaming ourselves but calmly analyzing the cause of the failure and thinking about what we can do so as not to repeat the same failure.

        The second is that what I see now is not everything of the world. In this summit, around 250 high school students from 30 countries gathered together to discuss and learn what we can do to protect our lives from natural disasters, such as, earthquakes and tsunamis. By interacting with people from the same generation who have different ideologies and cultures, I was inspired to reconsider what I am, and my field of vision became wider. If you feel that there are no places for you, or if you are suffering from discrimination or prejudice, I hope you not to forget that there are more things than you see and know in the world: the world is much wider than you think. Even if what you can do now is limited, I hope you to look to outside world and to keep making efforts to be yourself. Participating in this summit and spending three days in Niigata was an invaluable experience to me.

Lastly, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the members and the teacher I worked with, and the people who gave me this precious experience.